Technical Specifications for IC698CRE040
Brand GE Fanuc / Emerson Automation
Series RX7i PACsystem
Part Number IC698CRE040
Description Rx7i CPU
Processor speed 1.8 GHz
Serial port Two (2) Serial interface
Power Requirements +5 VDC: 6.8 Amps nominal +12 VDC: 0.003 Amps nominal -12 VDC: 0.003 Amps nominal
Ethernet Interface Two (2) Ethernet (RJ45) ports
Ethernet Transmission Rate 10Mb/sec and 100Mb/sec
Web-based data monitoring Up to 16 web server and FTP connections (combined)
Number of EGD configuration-based pages 255
Time of Day Clock accuracy Maximum drift of ±2 seconds per day
Elapsed Time Clock (internal timing) accuracy ±0.01% maximum
Memory 64MB
Voltage 5 Volts DC
Current 6.8 Amperes
Communication RS 232, Ethernet, RS 486
Processor Pentium M