统融传统的DCS和PLC优点于- -体并支持多种国际现场总线标准。它既具备DCS的复杂模拟回路调节能
力友好的人机界面(HMI) 及方便的工程软件,又同时具有与高档PLC指标相当的高速逻辑和顺序控
制性能。系统既可连接常规I/0,又可连接Profibus、FF、CAN、 Modbus 等各种现场总线设备。系统具
备高度的灵活性和极好的扩展性,无论是小型生产装置的控制,还是超大规模的全厂- -体化控制,甚
Industrial”家族的重要成员,AC800F系统 在技术上充分体现了ABB首创并领导的Industrial”(工业信
能。过程控制级实现包括复杂控制在内的各种回路调节(各种PID、比值、Simith 等)和高速逻辑控
过程控制站内部通讯(控制器与I/0 等各种智能设备或现场仪表间)采用的是国际标准现场总
线。现场控制器支持Profibus等各种现场总线,Profibus 是目前世界上应用最广泛的开放型现场总
线国际标准,分为FMS、DP 及PA三级,DP 通讯速率可高达12Mb。而CAN (DIN/IS011898 标准)总线
IART协议或现场总线(31. 25Kb的ProfibusPA和FF总线)。
操作管理级和过程控制级之间的系统通讯由Di giNetS网络(工业以太网/IEE802.3标准)实现,
大众化的PC机和MS_ Wi ndows2000在全世界已被广泛使用于各个领域,成为事实上的标准计算机平
台。Industrial” 系统的操作站0S、工程师站ES及数据网关GS即采用了这一平台,从而确保了系统的
系统工程组态非常方便。组态语言基于IE061131 3工业标准,提供了功能块图(FBD)、梯形图
(LD)、指令表(IL)和顺序功能图(SFC)、结构化文本(ST)等图形化组态方式。系统包含约220 多个功
系统规模具备很强的伸缩性,单-系统支持1个到最多100 个控制站及100个操作站。每个控制
thereby reducing
cost and time investment in establishing data communication and interactive access.
And ensure the consistency of data throughout the system.
Provide system-wide unified inspection of user applications, overriding
from process control stations, operator stations to intelligent field devices, including
Including the integrity and consistency check of the user program.
The programming language strictly complies with the international standard of IEC61131-3, and has
There are high-performance graphics editing functions:
– Function Block Diagram (FBD)
-Ladder Diagram (LD)
– Instruction List (IL)
– Sequence Control Chart (SFC)

. Structured Text (ST)
Extensive function block library, user-defined function blocks can also be added
Added to it, the macro library and graphic symbols can be customized for the user.
Blocks can create graphics and operator panels.
Any standard can be integrated by means of GSD file import
PROFIBUS-DP and PA devices, and through user-defined pairing
dialog box to design the configuration window for these devices.
Profibus field controller can be integrated through FDT/DTM technology
line equipment
system structure
The Freelance 800F process control system is divided into operator levels
and process control level. The operator level contains controls for operation and display.
Archiving and logging, trending and alarming functions. Controller executes open loop
and closed loop control function.
Freelance 800F DigiVis Operator Level

DigiVis operator stations use PC hardware, either standard commercial
Business PCs can also be industrial-grade PCs and run on Micro-
under soft Windows operating system. DigiVis supports dual-screen display operation
operating technology, that is to say, two operations can be performed using one PC
station and operate with a mouse and a keyboard.
Operator level can install one engineering station and several operators
stand. ControlBuilderF engineering station configures and adjusts the system
Mode. Usually, we can use portable devices such as notebooks to
The system is now configured in the office and