173C9123BB004 GE 进口备件

Product Information
The DS200DCFBG1B is a power supply board that was designed and manufactured by General Electric as part of their Mark V SPEEDTRONIC series of products. The DS200DCFBG1B board is versatile, with an ability to be used in many IGBT drive applications, including: AC2000, CB2000, DC200, EX2000, FC2000, GF2000, and ME2000. The DS200DCFBG1B board is designed to receive 38 and 115 VAC input power from the CPT, or control power transformer. The DS200DCFBG1B board then provides control level power to its drive and 115 VAC power to its enclosure fans. There are many circuits that are included on the DS200DCFBG1B board, including: Motor field power circuits, circuits to monitor AC line and DC motor signals, control level power supplies, and driver circuits that are made for use with the motor field SCR gate pulse. There are five test points located on the DS200DCFBG1B board that allow the user to check the voltage signals, the status of the voltage signals, and the DCFB board common. The DS200DCFBG1B board also has three fuses that are used to protect the power supply. When replacing a DS200DCFBG1B board, be sure that the drive’s power is shut off. Failure to follow this step can result in serious injury. Disconnect all cables from the DS200DCFBG1B board and push back on the plastic holders to release the board from its carrier. Position the new board so that it is in the same orientation as the old one and place it into the carrier. Then, you can reconnect the cables to the board as labeled. After that, you will need to adjust the board’s EE parameter for voltage feedback offset.

分类: 标签: 今日有货 —————————————————————————






173C9123BB004 是通用电气设计和制造的电源板,是其 Mark V SPEEDTRONIC 系列产品的一部分。 DS200DCFBG1B 板用途广泛,可用于多种 IGBT 驱动应用,包括:AC2000、CB2000、DC200、EX2000、FC2000、GF2000 和 ME2000。 173C9123BB004 板设计用于接收来自 CPT 或控制电源变压器的 38 和 115 VAC 输入电源。 DS200DCFBG1B 板随后为其驱动器提供控制级电源,并为其外壳风扇提供 115 VAC 电源。 DS200DCFBG1B 板上包含许多电路,包括:电机励磁电源电路、监控交流线路和直流电机信号的电路、控制级电源以及用于电机励磁 SCR 栅极脉冲的驱动电路。 DS200DCFBG1B 板上有五个测试点,允许用户检查电压信号、电压信号的状态以及 DCFB 板的公共端。 DS200DCFBG1B 板还具有三个用于保护电源的保险丝。更换 DS200DCFBG1B 板时,请确保关闭驱动器电源。不遵循此步骤可能会导致严重伤害。从 DS200DCFBG1B 板上断开所有电缆,然后推回塑料支架以将板从其载体中释放出来。放置新板,使其与旧板的方向相同,然后将其放入载体中。然后,您可以按照标签将电缆重新连接到板上。之后,您需要调整电路板的 EE 参数以获得电压反馈偏移。

Product Information
The 173C9123BB004 is a power supply board that was designed and manufactured by General Electric as part of their Mark V SPEEDTRONIC series of products. The DS200DCFBG1B board is versatile, with an ability to be used in many IGBT drive applications, including: AC2000, CB2000, DC200, EX2000, FC2000, GF2000, and ME2000. The DS200DCFBG1B board is designed to receive 38 and 115 VAC input power from the CPT, or control power transformer. The DS200DCFBG1B board then provides control level power to its drive and 115 VAC power to its enclosure fans. There are many circuits that are included on the DS200DCFBG1B board, including: Motor field power circuits, circuits to monitor AC line and DC motor signals, control level power supplies, and driver circuits that are made for use with the motor field SCR gate pulse. There are five test points located on the DS200DCFBG1B board that allow the user to check the voltage signals, the status of the voltage signals, and the DCFB board common. The DS200DCFBG1B board also has three fuses that are used to protect the power supply. When replacing a DS200DCFBG1B board, be sure that the drive’s power is shut off. Failure to follow this step can result in serious injury. Disconnect all cables from the DS200DCFBG1B board and push back on the plastic holders to release the board from its carrier. Position the new board so that it is in the same orientation as the old one and place it into the carrier. Then, you can reconnect the cables to the board as labeled. After that, you will need to adjust the board’s EE parameter for voltage feedback offset.

173C9123BB004是通用电气设计和制造的电源板,是其 Mark V SPEEDTRONIC 系列产品的一部分。 DS200DCFBG1B 板用途广泛,可用于多种 IGBT 驱动应用,包括:AC2000、CB2000、DC200、EX2000、FC2000、GF2000 和 ME2000。 173C9123BB004板设计用于接收来自 CPT 或控制电源变压器的 38 和 115 VAC 输入电源。 DS200DCFBG1B 板随后为其驱动器提供控制级电源,并为其外壳风扇提供 115 VAC 电源。 DS200DCFBG1B 板上包含许多电路,包括:电机励磁电源电路、监控交流线路和直流电机信号的电路、控制级电源以及用于电机励磁 SCR 栅极脉冲的驱动电路。 DS200DCFBG1B 板上有五个测试点,允许用户检查电压信号、电压信号的状态以及 DCFB 板的公共端。 DS200DCFBG1B 板还具有三个用于保护电源的保险丝。更换 DS200DCFBG1B 板时,请确保关闭驱动器电源。不遵循此步骤可能会导致严重伤害。从 DS200DCFBG1B 板上断开所有电缆,然后推回塑料支架以将板从其载体中释放出来。放置新板,使其与旧板的方向相同,然后将其放入载体中。然后,您可以按照标签将电缆重新连接到板上。之后,您需要调整电路板的 EE 参数以获得电压反馈偏移。


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